What should I expect

So it’s your first time coming to Lake Sarah Baptist and you’re a little nervous.  We get it.  It’s church.   Not only that it’s Baptist!   You may not have a church background.   Your church background may be different.   Or you may have heard over the years that churches that call themselves “Baptist” do some pretty weird things.

Church services on Sundays are casual.   Even the pastor is typically in jeans.  So come as you are.  All are invited.  Our attenders range in age from birth to ninety-something.

We have a friendly, welcoming group of people who attend from all walks of life, college students, farmers, businesspeople, entrepreneurs, bankers, medical professionals, teachers, and more, people who work from home and people whose work is their home.   All are welcome.

Then there are the kids. Just like the adults we have a variety.  We have kids from birth to seniors in high school.   They come from six different school districts.  Some are homeschooled.  Some go to private school.  And some attend public school.  Once again, all are welcome.

The music is typically newer, the kind of stuff you might hear on a local Christian radio station.  Some of it is a new twist on the traditional.   The point is, we feel it’s important to connect you with the unchanging God in a way that best resonates with today and yet still respects the past.   That means that typically we have a mix of instruments from piano to electric guitar and violin to drums, as well as a variety of vocalists, on stage at any one time to guide in music, prayer, and the Scripture.

Though the scriptures are unchanging, we read from a translation of the bible that is understandable and in today’s English.  And the sermons are meant to be understandable, and relatable and applicable to daily life.  Our pastor is always trying to keep the sermons something that appeals to different kinds of learners and a broad range of backgrounds and ages.   It’s not unusual for him to have us have group discussions or have an illustration that involves an attender or two participating in one way or another (don’t worry, he doesn’t involve anyone who hasn’t been asked ahead of time).

We also have a fully staffed Sunday school for all ages, that is geared toward equipping each of us to learn and follow what God has for us in the Bible.

Wednesdays, maybe often thought of as “kid’s night” in many churches,  we offer something for all ages.  There is an active program for our children and students (teens) to equip and teach them in a way that is fun, relatable, and applicable.  Then there is always an adult opportunity as well. We also offer a meal before everything gets started to allow busy families to come and share together and not have to worry about what’s for supper.  

We hope to see you soon.   If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to reach out by phone or email.  

How Can I Connect?

We invite you to connect with God and with us in a variety of ways at Lake Sarah Baptist Church.  We are always looking for new ways to connect and interconnect generations (people from all ages) to the hope of Jesus and a community that cares and is striving to reflect who He is in today’s world.  And while we have a number of ways to help people connect to each other and to God for men, women, and kids, here are a few key ones:

There’s Sunday School for Kids, Youth, and Adults (9:30-10:15AM on Sundays between Labor Day and Memorial Day).   Sunday School is geared toward helping everyone from the very young to the “more life experienced” to learn more about God’s word (the Bible) and equip participants in next steps to living out what is learned in daily life as a “follower” of Jesus.

There’s Sunday morning worship (10:30 AM always, with a Valhalla campground option at 9:00 AM offered Memorial Day- Labor Day, and if you can’t make it to worship with us in person you can also watch live on our website, on FB or YouTube, or you can check out some of our past sermon series on FB or our web page)

Wednesdays (6-8pm) we offer a meal to start.  Then we have opportunities for Kids, Youth, and Adults to connect with God and learn about Him, His plan for life, and how we can best follow Him in daily life.  Our kid’s program (252) on Wednesdays is more active, as well as large group and small group based.

Life Groups are a relatively new aspect to our ministry.  As the name implies, they are small groups of people gathering in homes, in restaurants, and various places around the communities that we serve that Encourage each other, Explore life and deeper relationships with each other, Encounter God’s word, Expand God’s kingdom, and Engage our communities; doing life together to truly grow in faith and relationship with others and God.

Connection Classes are alternative (typically adult Sunday morning classes) meant to help you connect better to God and grow in your relationship with Him.  

Explorations is a 5-session class that helps introduce people to God, His word (the Bible), and what it looks like to have a real and thriving relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  It’s also a place for exploration and asking questions you may have about God, the Bible, and more.

Body Life is a three-session class meant to help people who are interested connect more to this part of the body of Christ (Lake Sarah Baptist Church).  Sessions include “What we believe,” How do I contribute?” and “What Jesus prayed for His Church (love and unity)”

Baptism is a one-session class available to everyone, of any age, who professes to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  It covers what baptism is, how we practice it and why, and who should be baptized.  It also points to next steps that lead to an individual’s baptism.

Introduction to the Bible is a three-session class that deals with the origins of the bible, how to find a bible that is helpful to you, why do we look at the bible as authoritative, and more. It is the prerequisite class for “How to Study the Bible”.


How to Study the Bible is a five-week course answering questions like,  How do I start having a regular quiet time?  How can I study the Bible myself?   How can I apply the bible to the way I live, and decisions I make today?   How can I prepare to teach others?  

Eight Habits of a Christ-Follower We talk a lot about being a follower of Jesus (a disciple) here at LSBC.  And while life in him is about relationship not a bunch of rules, there are certain key characteristics, or habits that should be a part of everyone’s life that is working in the Holy Spirit’s power to conform to the image of Christ.   This class touches on each of those eight habits.

We invite you to connect with youth, men’s, and women’s ministries, as well as other opportunities offered through Lake Sarah Baptist, as well.

How Can I Serve?

We believe that every person is created in the image of our Creator God and endowed with talents and abilities that reflect Him in our world.   We also believe that once a person gives their life to Jesus they are enabled with certain Holy Spirit-enabled gifts to encourage others and build them up with the faith to look more and more like Jesus.  Each person’s use of their talents, gifts, and even passions, enables us individually and corporately to become more like Jesus (Ephesians 4).

At Lake Sarah Baptist we offer a Spiritual Gift Survey in our “Body Life Class” to assist you in your journey to discovery and use of these “Spiritual gifts.”   But we also feel that the best way to full discovery and growth is through the trial and even error of service.  The more you prayerfully make yourself available to God in service the more He reveals the way He has uniquely gifted you to be able to be used by Him to accomplish His plans and discover more about Him.

Opportunities to serve are anything from behind the scenes in design, kitchen, quilting, and more to more front lines ministry in teaching, equipping, serving, leading, encouraging, using musical gifts and more.   We encourage you to talk to our office administrator, a member of our pastoral staff, or ask about the next opportunity for Body Life to find out more about opportunities to serve.