Types of Members

There shall be two categories of membership in Lake Sarah Baptist Church: Church Member and Fellowship Member (the term “Member” when used herein shall refer to both Church Member and Fellowship Member).  A third designation is an Affiliate Member, which is not categorized under the term "Member."  Requirements for each category of membership are the following:


1.     Requirements for Church Members are:

a.   A statement of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and evidence of a desire to live a consistent Christian life.

b.   An understanding of Christian doctrine and belief.

c.    An agreement to abide by Lake Sarah Baptist Church’s policies on Member discipline.

d.   Concurrent membership in no other church.

e.   Believer’s baptism by immersion.


2.     Requirements for Fellowship Members are:

a.   A statement of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and evidence of a desire to live a consistent Christian life.

b.   An understanding of Christian doctrine and belief.

c.   An agreement to abide by Lake Sarah Baptist Church’s policies on Member discipline.

d.  Concurrent membership in no other church.